Member Update – July 2023

Welcome to PMS Latest News, our new regular (at least quarterly and hopefully monthly) communication emailed out to all members and included on the web site. Its aim is to ensure all PMS members are up to date with the workings of the management committee, news from individual activity groups, future events and general news from members themselves. So, if you would like to include a note in future editions, please drop me an email.

Vice Chairman
I am delighted to confirm that Nick Broom has been appointed Vice Chairman. Nick will work alongside me until the AGM in May/June 2024 and then take over as Chairman, when I step down. Most of you will know Nick through the Shed induction and training programs he has run to keep us all safe. His work in developing the woodworking shed should also be recognised as well as his huge contribution to the Shed overall. I know he will lead us well in the future.

Friday morning social
When we first opened, we held a purely social morning every Friday, simply to get to know each other. Whilst developing each of the activities and sorting all the many generous donations has been a priority of late (and still is), with now over 90 members, we would like to re-introduce the Friday morning social. So, if you fancy just dropping in for a chat and a coffee, please come along on Friday mornings. Come and meet fellow members and perhaps gain a new interest or join a working group.

Sale of spare tools
We have received many, very generous donations of tools and equipment, some of which are surplus to our requirements. These are being set aside for members to buy, so when you are next at the Shed please take a look, some are brand new! All proceeds will go towards our future running costs.

Social Events
We would like to organise a program of member social events throughout the year such as picnics, BBQs, walks, visits to places of interest, talks, etc, etc. We need a volunteer member to plan and organise them: could this be you? Please email me to chat through your and the committee’s thoughts.

Working Party Day
As I mentioned, we are still sorting and tidying the site to clear spaces for new activities such as the metal working, etc. The committee has set aside Friday the 21st July (10am to 4pm) as the first Working Party Day. There will be gardening, cleaning, sorting, and tidying activities to help with, plus we intend to have a pizza break at lunch time (if we can work the new donated pizza oven?!!!).
Please come along with your sleeves rolled up and a pair of gloves and have fun working alongside your fellow members.

Stall Day
We have now built an impressive stock of bird boxes, trugs and reclaimed items, as well as fettled cycles and tools for general sale and want to set up a regular stall at the back gates to the car park. The most public “foot fall” is on the Wednesday market day, so we are looking for member volunteers to “man” the stall. We have a gazebo and benches to set up a good stall and all items have been priced, so the only needs are to learn the easy card payment system, how to deal with cash and to hone your “selling” skills. It’s also a great way to promote the Shed and meet people.
We shall also start to attend more local events with our Stall such the festivals in the town and on the Avenue.
Please email me to volunteer and we shall set up a small selling team.

Garden Group
Some members have expressed a wish to join a garden group to sort the lawns, pond and gardens, create raised beds for growing veg and a provide a wildlife area. However, we have not found anyone to lead and organise the group. So, if you are interested in gardening, please email me so we can get the group digging.

I hope you enjoyed this, first Latest News. If you want to put a note in future editions, please email me. And please join in the various groups and activities mentioned above. The Shed will only work with everyone doing their bit.

Steven Watts
[email protected]

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