Saving The Starling

Petersfield Men’s Shed is really proud to have been featured in the Alton Herald on Thursday 13th June 2024.

The members of the men’s shed are helping to make 40 Starling boxes that will be installed on houses around Newton Valence. “The startling is one of England’s most romantic birds but is now on the list of endangered species as their population has plummeted by 53%”

Petersfield handymen ticking the right boxes to save treasured bird

By Paul Ferguson 

13th June 2024

Nick Broom and Rob Brailey of Petersfield Men’s Shed with the first batch of Starling nest boxes heading to Newton Valence. (Petersfield Men’s Shed)

A group of East Hampshire handymen is boxing clever in the bid to save a treasured bird from extinction.

The importance of saving the Starling is being hammered home by the Petersfield Men’s Shed as they’ve received an order for 40 nest boxes.

The custom-made boxes will be installed on houses around Newton Valence this autumn under the close supervision of ornithologist Dr Francis Buner.

It’s part of a plan by the Newton Valence Nature Group to create a “great new Starling murmuration” in the skies above the village between Selborne and the A32.

The Starling is one of England’s most romantic birds having inspired a Hans Holbein portrait, a Mozart Piano Concerto and a Tennyson poem.

But this treasured species is now on the IUCN Red List of endangered species as its population has plummeted by 53 per cent by 1995.

“In Newton Valence we are lucky to hear them ‘clapping their tiny castanets’ as they roost in our chimney pots,” said a spokesperson for the NVNG.

“We have a unique opportunity to create a new constellation in the skies above our parish, by providing the nest boxes our endangered Starlings need to safely raise their broods year after year.”

The village is fast becoming one of the county’s most ecologically important areas as efforts to protect and boost the toad population have also been recognised.

Its pond has been designed a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) in recognition of its significant toad population by the Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre.

Hullam Lane – an ancient sunken lane and an important toad migration route – has also been designated a Road Verge of Ecological Importance by the same group.

The designations will help the efforts of Toad Patrol, working alongside the pond committee, to protect and enhance the habitat for biodiversity.

Accessible Backgammon Boards

Stephen Allberry from Petersfield Men’s Shed used his skill to construct two new Accessible Backgammon Boards for the Petersfield u3a.

These Backgammon Boards were specifically designed to make the game accessible to players who are visually, or dexterity challenged. The board incorporates colour contrasted zones (replacing the traditional points) to allow the counters to stand out against the background, and ridges between zones to prevent accidental knocking of counters between zones. Note also the use of an iPad to automatically generate random dice throws. One of these boards has been trialled over a few weeks and has been welcomed by players who are novices, experienced, able bodied and most importantly the target audience those with visual or dexterity issues.

Novices are welcome to contact the u3a to become a member and then receive instruction on how to play this ancient game of skill and luck. They meet every Monday at 10am, attending every week is not expected. Contact the Backgammon Group on the Petersfield u3a website:

Member Update – Feb 2024

Welcome to our latest member update, with some news on what’s been happening over the past couple of months.

Cookery Class

Steven Watts conducted another successful Cookery Class in cooperation with the local charities Age Concern and Winton House. This time Creamy Chicken Curry with Basmati Rice.

We plan to run the class monthly if there is interest, please email Steven ([email protected]).

The Petersfield Seed Swap

Peter Reeves, along with Paul Crocker made 10 seed boxes for the seed packet exchange at the upcoming Petersfield Seed Swap on 9th March (10am-2pm) at Winton House.

Here’s Peter handing over 2 of the seed boxes to Claire along with a poster of the event.

Pop along and say hello on the day because we have been invited to have a sales stall at the event.

Organised by the Growing Together gardening podcast ( with Petersfield’s Shine Radio, the Petersfield Seed Swap is supported by East Hampshire District Council’s Grow Up programme, funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

80’s 8 bit home computers a bit of R&R (Research & Repair)

One of our recent members, Rob Bewes brought along a couple of 80’s 8 bit home computers for an entertaining evening on Wednesday 21 Feb and provided us with some interesting facts as well as hints and tips on repair.

Also joining us was Ian Wegg who had delved into his loft and found an early ZX80 which he brought along to show us all.

We are hoping to be able to host Rob another evening with a variety of other home computers from a similar era.

Recent Projects – Feb 2024

The Petersfield Men’s Shed have been contacted by a variety of people over the past months and here is a summary of some of the hard work of our members.

Dog Gate
A portable dog training gate for use by the Petersfield Dog Training Club is one of a number of examples of a successfully completed project.

Kestrel Boxes
A couple of industrious group sessions by our members resulted in twelve kestrel boxes being built for Raptors of Newton Valence ready for installation around their village ready for Spring.

Market Stall
A local not-for-profit organisation ‘Entertainment Events’ which donates all net proceeds of its activities to specific local charities, requested a ‘Market Stall’. Our members designed and built one which was used for the sale of ice cream during the Seussical Musical event held at the Festival Hall.

Pilot Cookery Class

On Friday the 19th January 2024, we ran a pilot cookery class to teach some basic cookery skills.

In conjunction with local charities Age Concern and Winton House, five men (including John Liddall and Roland Goodbody from the Men’s Shed) prepared spaghetti bolognaise together and then enjoyed an early supper with a well-earned glass of red wine.

Supported by Winton House volunteer cooks, Marion and Jenny with Steven, the 5 participants were taken through the recipe steps stage by stage, resulting in a delicious meal enjoyed by all.

We plan to run more classes, now we know the format works and the facilities at Winton House can cope. The support and input by everyone at Winton House has made this possible, proving collaboration really works to benefit local people.

Member Update – August 23

Welcome to the second PMS Latest News. Its aim is to ensure all PMS members are up to date with the workings of the management committee, news from individual activity groups, future events and general news from members themselves. So, if you would like to include a note in future editions, please drop me an email.


Unfortunately, this month’s News starts with a whinge. I think every member will agree that the effort, input, and results to get us this far of mostly those on the management committee, Trustees and a few wonderful members has been amazing. However, we cannot keep relying on these few to keep the Shed operational, forward thinking and vibrant for all of us to enjoy.

We have nearly 90 members and not only do we need more members to volunteer some time and effort for vital aspects of the Shed, but we would also like to see more of you simply coming along. We are open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and some Wednesday evenings and starting next week, Saturdays from 10am to 1pm, so plenty of opportunities to visit.

This is “your” Shed, please help and support it.

We Need You!

Currently, we are looking for member volunteers to take on the Membership Secretary role, Social Organiser and Site Manager.

The Membership Secretary is the first contact if someone wants to join, mostly by email. They must be organised and a good record keeper using a small, secure data base. There is no requirement to join the MC or be a Trustee so probably involves no more than a few hours a week maximum.

The Social Organiser will suggest, and lead organise and publicise social events, visits, talks, etc. They are not expected to do this on their own but with each event having a small team of members who will “make it happen”. Suggestions so far are a pizza lunch, curry night, walks, BBQ, invite the partners, trips to places of interest and museums, interesting speakers, film afternoon, etc, etc. You must be organised, sociable and able to get things done. Again, no requirement to join the MC or be a Trustee.

The Site Manager will ensure the Shed is clean, tidy and any maintenance issues are raised with the MC. Through the various workshop leaders, rostered Shed Supervisors and MC members, they will organise various working groups from time to time to ensure the Shed is always presentable and functioning as it should. A local, physical on-site presence will be essential. Again, no requirement to join the MC or be a Trustee.

If you wish to discuss any of the above roles, please email me.

Garden Group

Last month, I asked members interested in gardening to email me. To say I was underwhelmed is an understatement. Therefore, I have decided that I will start by asking if any members wish to join me on Friday the 18th August at 10am (as long as it’s not raining), with gloves and their favourite garden tools, we shall spend at least the morning gardening. And bring a packed lunch so we can sit in the garden to enjoy our labours.

The great news is that the Town Council has awarded us a £750 grant which the MC has decided will go towards the garden, so over lunch, we can discuss design plans for the raised beds and spend the grant. What fun!

Metal Working Shed

The “Small” Shed now has its electrics and is ready to be converted to metal work. Nick, Malcolm and Martin are now working on plans to equip it ready for operation. If there are avid metal workers who wish to input, please contact them directly.

Bike Shed

The Bike Shed now has its electrics and the Cycle Reclamation Group regularly meets on Wednesday mornings. If interested please drop in and speak to Michael, Mark or any of the group.

Community Projects

We are now starting to receive a steady stream of community project requests, from bat boxes in the South Downs, shelving at the Scot Hut and flower boxes for Petersfield in Bloom to the Physic Garden back gate. We have just received a request to erect a garden shed for a local sheltered housing which will require a cement base. As it’s a big job, before we respond and possibly agree to this request, we shall need confirmed volunteers who have the skills and time; please email me if you have.

Sale of spare tools

We still have some surplus tools for members to buy, so when you are next at the Shed, please take a look. Some are brand new, and all are PAT tested. All proceeds will go towards our future running costs.

Stall Day

We shall have a stall at the PECAN Boot Sale on the Avenue Playing Field on Sunday 20th August. Nick and Peter are organising, but any additional volunteer helpers will be welcome.

We also plan to set up a stall at the back gates to the Shed on Sunday 27th August, which is Petersfield Festival Weekend. Again, volunteer helpers please.

And don’t forget…

  • The guitar group meet on Friday mornings (contact Ray Vogt).

I hope you enjoyed this, second Latest News. If you want to put a note in future editions or are interested in starting an interest group, please email me. And please consider taking an active role and join in the various groups and activities mentioned above. The Shed will only work with everyone doing their bit.

Steven Watts


[email protected]

Now open Saturdays 10am-1pm

We’re pleased to announce that from Saturday 5th August we will be open from 10am until 1pm.

Please come along and meet fellow members and perhaps gain a new interest, join a working group, or even just to drop in for a chat and a tea or coffee.

Member Update – July 2023

Welcome to PMS Latest News, our new regular (at least quarterly and hopefully monthly) communication emailed out to all members and included on the web site. Its aim is to ensure all PMS members are up to date with the workings of the management committee, news from individual activity groups, future events and general news from members themselves. So, if you would like to include a note in future editions, please drop me an email.

Vice Chairman
I am delighted to confirm that Nick Broom has been appointed Vice Chairman. Nick will work alongside me until the AGM in May/June 2024 and then take over as Chairman, when I step down. Most of you will know Nick through the Shed induction and training programs he has run to keep us all safe. His work in developing the woodworking shed should also be recognised as well as his huge contribution to the Shed overall. I know he will lead us well in the future.

Friday morning social
When we first opened, we held a purely social morning every Friday, simply to get to know each other. Whilst developing each of the activities and sorting all the many generous donations has been a priority of late (and still is), with now over 90 members, we would like to re-introduce the Friday morning social. So, if you fancy just dropping in for a chat and a coffee, please come along on Friday mornings. Come and meet fellow members and perhaps gain a new interest or join a working group.

Sale of spare tools
We have received many, very generous donations of tools and equipment, some of which are surplus to our requirements. These are being set aside for members to buy, so when you are next at the Shed please take a look, some are brand new! All proceeds will go towards our future running costs.

Social Events
We would like to organise a program of member social events throughout the year such as picnics, BBQs, walks, visits to places of interest, talks, etc, etc. We need a volunteer member to plan and organise them: could this be you? Please email me to chat through your and the committee’s thoughts.

Working Party Day
As I mentioned, we are still sorting and tidying the site to clear spaces for new activities such as the metal working, etc. The committee has set aside Friday the 21st July (10am to 4pm) as the first Working Party Day. There will be gardening, cleaning, sorting, and tidying activities to help with, plus we intend to have a pizza break at lunch time (if we can work the new donated pizza oven?!!!).
Please come along with your sleeves rolled up and a pair of gloves and have fun working alongside your fellow members.

Stall Day
We have now built an impressive stock of bird boxes, trugs and reclaimed items, as well as fettled cycles and tools for general sale and want to set up a regular stall at the back gates to the car park. The most public “foot fall” is on the Wednesday market day, so we are looking for member volunteers to “man” the stall. We have a gazebo and benches to set up a good stall and all items have been priced, so the only needs are to learn the easy card payment system, how to deal with cash and to hone your “selling” skills. It’s also a great way to promote the Shed and meet people.
We shall also start to attend more local events with our Stall such the festivals in the town and on the Avenue.
Please email me to volunteer and we shall set up a small selling team.

Garden Group
Some members have expressed a wish to join a garden group to sort the lawns, pond and gardens, create raised beds for growing veg and a provide a wildlife area. However, we have not found anyone to lead and organise the group. So, if you are interested in gardening, please email me so we can get the group digging.

I hope you enjoyed this, first Latest News. If you want to put a note in future editions, please email me. And please join in the various groups and activities mentioned above. The Shed will only work with everyone doing their bit.

Steven Watts
[email protected]

Bike Shed Now Open

We will meet on Wednesdays from 10am, the Bike Shed will be also be available to Petersfield Men’s Shed Members from 10am to 4pm Mon to Friday.

Upcycle and help fix donated bikes, we hope to pass many of them on to local community that are in need, but also to Ukrainian refugees.

Please come along and “Tinker” learn how to maintain your own bicycles, we have cycle stands and all the tools and help you will need.

You are welcome to bring your own bikes for a service or even if it is just a clean-up and or to spend fun time with like-minded cycle enthusiasts.

Note the Bike Shed is for members use only and is not open to the general public for repairs.

2023 AGM – Petersfield Men’s Shed

AGM Notice

Dear Shed Member,
Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of Petersfield Men’s Shed CIO on
      Wednesday 7 June 2023.
The Meeting will be held from 2.00 p.m. at:

      The Half Moon
      32 London Road
      GU31 4BE
The relevant reports and documents can be found by clicking on this link:
      Petersfield Men’s Shed 2023 AGM
Kind Regards,
Petersfield Men’s Shed

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