2020 Year End Review

What with more Covid lockdowns and a new virus strain, unfortunately all our plans for a proper “face to face” launch meeting this year have again had to be postponed. It will happen, now probably in Spring 2021 even if we have a digital version via Zoom or similar. Everyone who has already expressed interest in joining us will be invited and a media campaign will run to promote it to other potential members. Please keep an eye on the news and further web site updates.

With regards premises, we may have some very exciting news early in the new year! We are currently in discussions to lease a building in the Town centre; all on one level with lots of usable space. It will need work to convert to workshops and social space but would be a fabulous first real project together as a Shed.

In October, we were delighted to have been awarded Grant funding for the initial equipment to kit out a Shed workshop from East Hampshire District Council; our thanks go to Cllr Robert Mocatta for his support for our development.

The management team are now working on an application for the Petersfield Men’s Shed to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). Becoming a charity will not only have local and social benefits but will help us financially with potential funding opportunities.

As you can see, in spite of Covid, Petersfield Men’s Shed is very much alive and we look forward to 2021 and becoming a proper functioning Shed.

Steven Watts


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