Zoom Introduction to the Petersfield Men’s Shed. Tuesday 27th July at 6.30pm

The management committee would like to invite you to a live online Zoom meeting to hear about the work we have been doing over the past 18 months to create a Men’s Shed here in Petersfield.

You will meet the committee members who will explain the developments that have taken place and more importantly the type of men’s shed and the projects we have planned.

Gerry Johnson the UK Men’s Sheds Association Ambassador and Chair of Hayling Island Men’s Shed will present an overview of local and national men’s sheds.

We will be using the Zoom chat function for you to ask questions as discussions are taking place and hopefully there will be an opportunity for some of these to be answered at the meeting. We will also be recording the meeting so that we can answer all questions and feedback the answers on our website.

Anyone who is interested in joining the meeting please contact us. We will then email you a Zoom link invite before the meeting that will enable you to join us for the meeting on Tuesday, 27 July from 6:00 PM so that we can start prompt at 6.30PM.

I and the team look forward to meeting you then.

Steven Watts, Chairman

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