
Update on Member Meeting – 20th January – Half Moon Pub, Sheet

We started our meeting with a minute’s silence to remember one of our founding members John Ide who sadly passed away. We are very grateful for his input and offer his wife Tricia and family our heartfelt condolences.

Our topics;

  • We discussed local premises/ land survey potentials for our future Shed. Our search continues and we urge all members to get involved and pick area squares to walk and scour. Please see web site or ask Chris for details.                     
  • Nick gave us the outputs of the recent Member Survey; these will be added to the web site.                    
  • We discussed future community projects that we could potentially complete without the need of a Shed. These will be explored further at our next meeting. Phil has a few ideas to share but please can everyone bring their thoughts.
  • We also want to put together a program of potential visits, trips, guest speakers, etc for future meetings, so please bring some ideas.          
  • We discussed and agreed that to try to accommodate all members, including those working full time, we would alternate the times of our meetings from afternoon to evening. Therefore, the next meeting will be on Wednesday 23rd February at 6.30pm at the Half Moon pub. Their kitchen is open from 5pm till 9pm, so anyone wishing to have a meal before or after the meeting, can do so.    

I look forward to seeing many of you on the 23rd.

Steven Watts