
Petersfield Men’s Shed Signs Licence

The Petersfield Men’s Shed, a local charity for men (and women) of Petersfield to socialise together whilst fulfilling practical projects to benefit the local community, has signed a licence with the East Hampshire District Council to occupy its first premises at 16 Heath Road, Petersfield.

Consisting of a house, two large sheds and grounds, located in the Festival Hall car park in the town centre, 16 Heath Road provides the perfect mix of accommodation to enable a good range of projects such as woodworking, metal working, IT skills, gardening, bike maintenance and cookery as well as being a perfectly located drop-in centre for simply socialising.

Currently the 27 strong membership is forming working groups to prepare the site for occupation which we hope will be ready to accept more members by December; if you are interested in joining please look here. Membership is just £50 per year.

The Shed will be named The John Ide Shed in memory of one of our founders, John Ide, who sadly passed before seeing his passion for a men’s shed in Petersfield come to fruition.

Our thanks go to the Councillors at East Hampshire District Council who also financially supported this development through local grants. However, from now on we must support ourselves through increased membership, local projects, local business sponsorship and donations.

After over two years of formulating plans for a Petersfield Men’s Shed, we are delighted to now have purpose premises from which The Shed can start to fulfil its charitable objectives to benefit both men and women of Petersfield and the local community.

Steven Watts