
Update 26 October 2022

Following the excellent news that we have now signed the licence with EHDC for our new premises, 16 Heath Road, I wanted to update everyone what happens now.

What are we doing?

  • We have formed various working groups to complete the early development needs for each area of the premises. This includes,
    • deciding what activity each area will initially be used for,
    • securing the whole site and buildings,
    • replacing missing windows and doors,
    • clearing the grounds,
    • sorting the electrics,
    • preparing budgets for future expenditure.
  • We are developing a site management team for key holding, security, and safety in order to schedule when the shed can be open to membership.
  • We have created a team to seek out and sort any future tool and equipment donations and grants.

Future membership

Through the recent articles in the Petersfield Post and Shine Radio and via our Facebook page, we have received many new expressions of interest to join us, which is excellent. We aim to complete the initial development of the site by the end of November/ beginning of December and then will be in a position to accept new members and at least offer the social aspects of the Shed. So please bear with us. You can register interest and find a membership form here.

Tools/ equipment donations

We have also received many offers of donations for which we are very grateful. Please keep them coming and we shall arrange to look at any offers once the site is secure and as space for storing is completed. Email any offers to [email protected].

Management Committee

The existing management committee mostly consists of members who have served now since the Shed’s inception. As we evolve, grow and for succession planning, we are interested to hear from members who would like to join the team. Current specific roles that we are looking to replace is Secretary, Membership, and IT. If you are interested, please contact me directly at [email protected].

Open Day

In November, we plan to have an Open Day at the Shed, 16 Heath Road, where anyone interested in joining our membership can come and look at the premises, see what activities we plan, and to meet existing members and members of the management committee. Date to be advised.

We are very excited about the prospects offered by the new site to our Shed and we will all work hard to finalise the initial developments as soon as possible in order to start Shed activities and welcome many new members.

Steven Watts