Member Update – August 23

Welcome to the second PMS Latest News. Its aim is to ensure all PMS members are up to date with the workings of the management committee, news from individual activity groups, future events and general news from members themselves. So, if you would like to include a note in future editions, please drop me an email.


Unfortunately, this month’s News starts with a whinge. I think every member will agree that the effort, input, and results to get us this far of mostly those on the management committee, Trustees and a few wonderful members has been amazing. However, we cannot keep relying on these few to keep the Shed operational, forward thinking and vibrant for all of us to enjoy.

We have nearly 90 members and not only do we need more members to volunteer some time and effort for vital aspects of the Shed, but we would also like to see more of you simply coming along. We are open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and some Wednesday evenings and starting next week, Saturdays from 10am to 1pm, so plenty of opportunities to visit.

This is “your” Shed, please help and support it.

We Need You!

Currently, we are looking for member volunteers to take on the Membership Secretary role, Social Organiser and Site Manager.

The Membership Secretary is the first contact if someone wants to join, mostly by email. They must be organised and a good record keeper using a small, secure data base. There is no requirement to join the MC or be a Trustee so probably involves no more than a few hours a week maximum.

The Social Organiser will suggest, and lead organise and publicise social events, visits, talks, etc. They are not expected to do this on their own but with each event having a small team of members who will “make it happen”. Suggestions so far are a pizza lunch, curry night, walks, BBQ, invite the partners, trips to places of interest and museums, interesting speakers, film afternoon, etc, etc. You must be organised, sociable and able to get things done. Again, no requirement to join the MC or be a Trustee.

The Site Manager will ensure the Shed is clean, tidy and any maintenance issues are raised with the MC. Through the various workshop leaders, rostered Shed Supervisors and MC members, they will organise various working groups from time to time to ensure the Shed is always presentable and functioning as it should. A local, physical on-site presence will be essential. Again, no requirement to join the MC or be a Trustee.

If you wish to discuss any of the above roles, please email me.

Garden Group

Last month, I asked members interested in gardening to email me. To say I was underwhelmed is an understatement. Therefore, I have decided that I will start by asking if any members wish to join me on Friday the 18th August at 10am (as long as it’s not raining), with gloves and their favourite garden tools, we shall spend at least the morning gardening. And bring a packed lunch so we can sit in the garden to enjoy our labours.

The great news is that the Town Council has awarded us a £750 grant which the MC has decided will go towards the garden, so over lunch, we can discuss design plans for the raised beds and spend the grant. What fun!

Metal Working Shed

The “Small” Shed now has its electrics and is ready to be converted to metal work. Nick, Malcolm and Martin are now working on plans to equip it ready for operation. If there are avid metal workers who wish to input, please contact them directly.

Bike Shed

The Bike Shed now has its electrics and the Cycle Reclamation Group regularly meets on Wednesday mornings. If interested please drop in and speak to Michael, Mark or any of the group.

Community Projects

We are now starting to receive a steady stream of community project requests, from bat boxes in the South Downs, shelving at the Scot Hut and flower boxes for Petersfield in Bloom to the Physic Garden back gate. We have just received a request to erect a garden shed for a local sheltered housing which will require a cement base. As it’s a big job, before we respond and possibly agree to this request, we shall need confirmed volunteers who have the skills and time; please email me if you have.

Sale of spare tools

We still have some surplus tools for members to buy, so when you are next at the Shed, please take a look. Some are brand new, and all are PAT tested. All proceeds will go towards our future running costs.

Stall Day

We shall have a stall at the PECAN Boot Sale on the Avenue Playing Field on Sunday 20th August. Nick and Peter are organising, but any additional volunteer helpers will be welcome.

We also plan to set up a stall at the back gates to the Shed on Sunday 27th August, which is Petersfield Festival Weekend. Again, volunteer helpers please.

And don’t forget…

  • The guitar group meet on Friday mornings (contact Ray Vogt).

I hope you enjoyed this, second Latest News. If you want to put a note in future editions or are interested in starting an interest group, please email me. And please consider taking an active role and join in the various groups and activities mentioned above. The Shed will only work with everyone doing their bit.

Steven Watts


[email protected]

Member Update – July 2023

Welcome to PMS Latest News, our new regular (at least quarterly and hopefully monthly) communication emailed out to all members and included on the web site. Its aim is to ensure all PMS members are up to date with the workings of the management committee, news from individual activity groups, future events and general news from members themselves. So, if you would like to include a note in future editions, please drop me an email.

Vice Chairman
I am delighted to confirm that Nick Broom has been appointed Vice Chairman. Nick will work alongside me until the AGM in May/June 2024 and then take over as Chairman, when I step down. Most of you will know Nick through the Shed induction and training programs he has run to keep us all safe. His work in developing the woodworking shed should also be recognised as well as his huge contribution to the Shed overall. I know he will lead us well in the future.

Friday morning social
When we first opened, we held a purely social morning every Friday, simply to get to know each other. Whilst developing each of the activities and sorting all the many generous donations has been a priority of late (and still is), with now over 90 members, we would like to re-introduce the Friday morning social. So, if you fancy just dropping in for a chat and a coffee, please come along on Friday mornings. Come and meet fellow members and perhaps gain a new interest or join a working group.

Sale of spare tools
We have received many, very generous donations of tools and equipment, some of which are surplus to our requirements. These are being set aside for members to buy, so when you are next at the Shed please take a look, some are brand new! All proceeds will go towards our future running costs.

Social Events
We would like to organise a program of member social events throughout the year such as picnics, BBQs, walks, visits to places of interest, talks, etc, etc. We need a volunteer member to plan and organise them: could this be you? Please email me to chat through your and the committee’s thoughts.

Working Party Day
As I mentioned, we are still sorting and tidying the site to clear spaces for new activities such as the metal working, etc. The committee has set aside Friday the 21st July (10am to 4pm) as the first Working Party Day. There will be gardening, cleaning, sorting, and tidying activities to help with, plus we intend to have a pizza break at lunch time (if we can work the new donated pizza oven?!!!).
Please come along with your sleeves rolled up and a pair of gloves and have fun working alongside your fellow members.

Stall Day
We have now built an impressive stock of bird boxes, trugs and reclaimed items, as well as fettled cycles and tools for general sale and want to set up a regular stall at the back gates to the car park. The most public “foot fall” is on the Wednesday market day, so we are looking for member volunteers to “man” the stall. We have a gazebo and benches to set up a good stall and all items have been priced, so the only needs are to learn the easy card payment system, how to deal with cash and to hone your “selling” skills. It’s also a great way to promote the Shed and meet people.
We shall also start to attend more local events with our Stall such the festivals in the town and on the Avenue.
Please email me to volunteer and we shall set up a small selling team.

Garden Group
Some members have expressed a wish to join a garden group to sort the lawns, pond and gardens, create raised beds for growing veg and a provide a wildlife area. However, we have not found anyone to lead and organise the group. So, if you are interested in gardening, please email me so we can get the group digging.

I hope you enjoyed this, first Latest News. If you want to put a note in future editions, please email me. And please join in the various groups and activities mentioned above. The Shed will only work with everyone doing their bit.

Steven Watts
[email protected]

Member Update – May 2023

We had thought of holding a bbq on Friday the 5th May but unfortunately, we are having to cancel this but hopefully we shall hold one in the summer.

Please save the date to attend our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 7th June at 2pm at the Half Moon pub in Sheet. Following on from the AGM we shall hold a Members’ Open Meeting and Q&A; an agenda will be posted out nearer the date. We also want to share the new opportunities and possibilities the Shed now offers; do please come along if you can.

I have now served 3 years as your chairman and feel it is time for another member to take over from me to bring fresh ideas for the next stage of the Shed’s development. Therefore, I have advised the management committee that I shall stand down in May 2024. This gives plenty of time for a member to work alongside me and the management committee (as vice-chairman) to ensure a smooth hand-over. I have prepared a one-page brief of what I believe the role is but vitally my successor, with the management committee should make the role their own.
Please consider this and if interested, email or phone me for a no obligation chat. It’s not that demanding and has been great fun!
[email protected]
07584 229656

We are now over 60 members and as you know, the Shed is now open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm. A Shed Supervisor is on hand at all times for advice and guidance. The wood-working shed is fully operational (for your own or Shed projects), Trev has started the gardening group, we are about to start sorting all the equipment and tool donations currently stored in the future metal-working shed, Ray has started a guitar group on Friday mornings, the bike group has a bike shed to build as a home to mend and refurbish bikes, Rob has creatively stated up-cycling all sorts, and we have started making bird boxes, bug hotels, coat hooks and garden trugs for sale and for community displays.
Plenty for members to get involved with or simply socialise and much more to come; just come along.

Steven Watts

Member Update – March 2023

  • The Open Day was a resounding success with over 100 visitors, the rain stayed away, and we also attracted 15 new members. My thanks to everyone who contributed towards the event.
  • We are now open every day, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. The wood shop is fully operational for your own projects, and we are going to start birdbox and other workshops soon. The only requirement before using is that you must have received training for the general area and each specific piece of equipment; to arrange email Nick at [email protected]
  • Mike Bookham has set up an IT and Electronics team to develop both the upstairs IT and Craft rooms and launch workshop sessions. Watch this space.
  • A Gardening Group is in full swing developing the grounds.
  • Ray hopes to start a guitar playing group, contact Ray at [email protected] if interested.
  • As soon as we have storage, we will empty the small shed and bring together a team interested in developing and equipping the metal shop.
  • We are waiting to receive a donated shed to create the bike shop. Michael Cowen has already gathered a sizable team who will fettle bikes to sell or donate to charities.
  • Murray Whewell has taken over as Secretary from Neil Slatter and joins the MC.
  • We are thinking of having a BBQ for members and partners and suggested date is early evening on Friday 5th May, just before the coronation weekend. We’ll provide the food, and you bring your own drink. If you are keen, please email me at [email protected] and confirm one or two places.
  • Our AGM will be taking place in late May, probably at the Half Moon. TBC.
  • Talking of socials, the management committee (MC) would like to appoint a member to take on a Social Secretary role. This person would work with the MC to organise future social gatherings like the BBQ above, arrange trips and visits to local places of interest, invite members, sort tickets and payments and possibly arrange transport. The scope of this role is wide and just needs an enthusiastic member, if interested please email me at [email protected]
  • If you have other interests that we are not yet discussing, please drop me an email [email protected] with your ideas; we are so lucky to have very flexible premises which can accommodate a wide range of activities. Like Ray above, the MC are very supportive to include all member interests where we can.
  • Lastly, as per our constitution, I have given the MC notice that, after 3 years as Chair, I will step down in a year’s time at the AGM in May 2024. I have requested expressions of interest from the MC members to take on a Vice-Chair role over the next year to allow a smooth transition. I will keep you posted of progress.

I am delighted how we have progressed so far and with all members continued input we shall continue to develop and expand – thank you to everyone for your support.

Steven Watts, Chairman

Update 23 December 2022

Boy, we’ve been busy! 

We took possession of 16 Heath Road, Petersfield in October, the premises consisting of a house, 2 large garden sheds and grounds. Since then, we have: 

  • Sorted the bigger shed with new windows and door, removed partition walls, made good, decorated, and are now running new electrics, lighting, and installing work benches and major equipment to create our woodworking shed. 
  • Upstairs in the house, we have cleaned and re-laid all the carpet tiles found in the sheds to the bedrooms and landing and have re-purposed donated office furniture and desks (mostly from Swan Medical Group) to create our IT Suite, Electronics Suite, and a Shed Office.  
  • Downstairs in the house, we have created a Social Room (again with donated chairs and lots of woodworking magazines for inspiration), the kitchen is almost sorted with a donated cooker and many utensils, and we now hold a Social every Friday morning; do please come along. 
  • Our signage is all up including an amazing oak sign made by member John. You may notice we have named the Shed after one of the founder members John Ide, who sadly passed before seeing our efforts come to fruition. 
  • The grounds have received an initial tidy ready for a garden group to take over next Spring. Who knows, we could grow our own veg and entering garden competitions?! 
  • We have yet to start work on the smaller shed as this has been predominately used to store the many donations of equipment, we have received for which we thank each and every one. Our plan is to create a metal work room here, more news later. 
  • The management committee has changed and grown: 
    • Michael Cowen has taken over from John Liddall for Membership, (thanks to John for his past efforts), 
    • Mike Bookham has taken over from Simon Brown for IT, (again our thanks to Simon for his past efforts), 
    • Malcolm Wigmore has joined for Donations and Sponsorships, 
    • Peter Reeves joined and has led the woodworking shed development, 
    • Martin How joined and will lead a team of Key Holders who will gradually increase our opening days, again watch this space, 
    • We are still looking for someone to take over as Secretary from Neil Slatter. 
  • Membership to Petersfield Men’s Shed is now fully open so do please take a look at us and we hope to welcome you as a new member soon: a membership form can be found at

As you can see, busy, busy! 

Progress has been amazing, all thanks to the many volunteer members giving their hands, expertise, skills, and time.  

We are now starting to plan a proper launch of the Shed, inviting all those who have helped us along the way, local dignitaries, and hopefully John Ide’s widow Patricia to cut the ribbon and officially open us. We are aiming at late January/ early February so again keep watching. 

Lastly, I wish everyone involved or connected to Petersfield Men’s Shed and their families, a very merry Christmas and Happy 2023. 

Steven Watts

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